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New York, NY, USA · Manhattan, New York, NY, USA


Commerce and Shopping · Internet Services · Mobile, Platforms, and Apps · Software


51-200 employees


Series A

founded in


Gooten is an automated fulfillment and store operations solution for fast growing-online stores. It combines a powerful, multi-channel order management system with a high quality, managed network of manufacturers and service providers to ensure each order from your store is processed, produced, and shipped as efficiently and reliably as possible. Today, Gooten allows to create, manage, and fulfill unlimited versions of over a hundred different product types any way you’d like, with built-in integrations to platforms and marketplaces like Shopify, Etsy, and WooCommerce — or build advanced customer experiences (like personalization or on-demand product design) through our industry-leading Gooten API. Whether they’re outgrowing their in-house provider’s limited production capacity, drowning in the complexity of managing multiple vendors and channels, or simply need a more powerful technical infrastructure for their custom buying experience, thousands of successful stores turn to Gooten every day to help them handle their growing pains.

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